Thursday, July 23, 2015

Grow your Mo!

Grow your Mo!

November has started and so has Movember.

What is Movember some of you may ask?

If you go to the Movember website, it says as follows: "During the month of November each year, Movember asks men across the world to grow a moustache with the aim of raising vital funds and awareness for men’s health issues, specifically prostate cancer.

Guys taking part (Mo Bros) are helping to change the face of men’s health by effectively becoming walking, talking billboards for the 30 days of November and through their actions and words raise awareness by promoting private and public conversation around the often ignored issue of men’s health."
Could this be what I look like at the end of the month?

It was a movement that started in 2003 in Australia and is basically a man's version of the pink ribbon month.

I've decided to join the movement this year and have started growing my moustache.  I'd encourage you to donate to the cause this month as I start sporting my moustache (or Mo).  I've got a page on the Movember website where you can donate at the following URL: or

Rest assured you will be hearing a lot about this from me during the month of Movember, especially if you follow me on any of the social media networks I'm on.  So go ahead, don't just read this, start donating... 

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