Friday, July 17, 2015

How to Create Excel Sheet Password Protected in Microsoft Excel 2007

How to Create Excel Sheet Password Protected in Microsoft Excel 2007

No Doubt that security is major concern for everyone who is using computer today. Today I am going to tell you that how to create excel sheet or spread sheet password protected in Microsoft Excel 2007. Most of the time computer users are searching on Google, Yahoo, Yahoo Answers, Facebook and many other technical forums which provide technical tricks and tips about the latest technologies and the use of technology as well. Here are below steps to do the security essential for protecting your spreadsheet.
Microsoft Excel 2007 provides an option for creating password protected spreadsheets. This can be done by clicking on File –> Save As. This would display the following Save As dialog box
Excel Password1
Now click on the Tools drop down displayed at the bottom of the dialog box and select General Options from the drop down.
This would provide the following General Options dialog box having options to password protect the Spreadsheet for open and modify. This also provides features to Always Create Backup and make the document Read-only.
I hope you got the way to protect your data from unrestricted access and from unknown person who is using your computer in your absence.

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