Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Brother DCP9010CN Trouble Error Codes

Brother DCP9010CN Trouble Error Codes
Brother DCP9010CN Trouble Error Codes

13Developing bias correction failure (Error, which cannot be recorded, occurs.)1 Registration mark L PCB ASSY failure. 2 HVPS control PCB failure. 3 High-voltage power supply PCB failure. 4 Main PCB failure.
14Developing bias correction failure (Toner life end)1 Main PCB failure.
15Developing bias correction failure (Incorrect measurement value of developing bias correction)1 Registration mark L PCB ASSY failure. 2 HVPS control PCB failure. 3 High-voltage power supply PCB failure. 4 Main PCB failure.
16Color registration adjustment failure (Error, which cannot be recorded, occurs.)1 Registration mark L PCB ASSY failure. 2 Main PCB failure.
17Color registration adjustment failure (Toner life end)1 Main PCB failure.
18Color registration adjustment failure (Incorrect measurement value of color registration adjustment)1 Registration mark L PCB ASSY failure. 2 HVPS control PCB failure. 3 High-voltage power supply PCB failure. 4 Main PCB failure.
1ADew condensation on high-voltage power supply PCB1 Dirt on drum unit electrodes. 2 HVPS control PCB failure. 3 High-voltage power supply PCB failure.
1BDrum error (C)
1CDrum error (M)
1DDrum error (Y)
20LED ASSY error (K)1 FFC connection failure of each LED ASSY. 2 LED head control PCB failure. 3 Failure of each LED ASSY. 4 Main PCB failure. 5 Low-voltage power supply PCB failure.
21LED ASSY error (Y)1 FFC connection failure of each LED ASSY. 2 LED head control PCB failure. 3 Failure of each LED ASSY. 4 Main PCB failure. 5 Low-voltage power supply PCB failure.
22LED ASSY error (M)1 FFC connection failure of each LED ASSY. 2 LED head control PCB failure. 3 Failure of each LED ASSY. 4 Main PCB failure. 5 Low-voltage power supply PCB failure.
23LED ASSY error (C)1 FFC connection failure of each LED ASSY. 2 LED head control PCB failure. 3 Failure of each LED ASSY. 4 Main PCB failure. 5 Low-voltage power supply PCB failure.
24Internal temperature sensor error1 Internal temperature sensor failure. 2 Engine PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure.
25Develop drive motor error1 Harness connection failure of motor. 2 Motor failure. 3 Engine PCB failure. 4 Main PCB failure. 5 Low-voltage power supply PCB failure.
26Belt drive motor error1 Harness connection failure of motor. 2 Motor failure. 3 Engine PCB failure. 4 Main PCB failure. 5 Low-voltage power supply PCB failure.
28Drum drive motor error1 Harness connection failure of motor. 2 Motor failure. 3 Engine PCB failure. 4 Main PCB failure. 5 Low-voltage power supply PCB failure.
29Belt cleaner drive motor error1 Harness connection failure of motor. 2 Motor failure. 3 Engine PCB failure. 4 Main PCB failure. 5 Low-voltage power supply PCB failure.
2ADevelop release motor error1 Harness connection failure of develop release motor. 2 Develop release motor failure. 3 Engine PCB failure. 4 HVPS control PCB failure. 5 Main PCB failure.
2CToner/New sensor PCB error (K)1 Toner/new sensor PCB failure. 2 Engine PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure.
2DToner/New sensor PCB error (Y)1 Toner/new sensor PCB failure. 2 Engine PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure.
2EToner/New sensor PCB error (M)1 Toner/new sensor PCB failure. 2 Engine PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure.
2FToner/New sensor PCB error (C)1 Toner/new sensor PCB failure. 2 Engine PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure.
31Density sensor error1 Harness connection failure of registration mark L PCB ASSY. 2 Harness connection failure of density sensor shutter solenoid. 3 Registration mark L PCB failure. 4 Engine PCB failure. 5 Main PCB failure
32Density sensor shutter performance malfunction1 Harness connection failure of registration mark L PCB ASSY. 2 Harness connection failure of density sensor shutter solenoid. 3 Registration mark L PCB failure. 4 Engine PCB failure. 5 Main PCB failure
33Right color registration sensor error1 Harness connection failure of registration mark PCB ASSY. 2 Registration mark PCB failure. 3 Engine PCB failure. 4 Main PCB failure.
34Left color registration sensor error1 Harness connection failure of registration mark PCB ASSY. 2 Registration mark PCB failure. 3 Engine PCB failure. 4 Main PCB failure.
36HVPS PCB error in ready state1 Dirt on drum unit electrodes. 2 Harness connection failure of high-voltage power supply PCB ASSY. 3 HVPS control PCB failure. 4 High-voltage power supply PCB failure. 5 Engine PCB failure. 6 Main PCB failure.
37Belt thermistor error1 Harness connection failure of belt thermistor ASSY. 2 Main PCB failure.
38External temperature sensor error1 Main PCB failure
39External humidity sensor error1 Main PCB failure
3AEngine PCB transfer error1 Main PCB failure
3BMain PCB RAM error1 Main PCB failure
3ENVRAM transfer error1 Main PCB failure
40HVPS PCB error in operating1 Dirt on drum unit electrodes. 2 Harness connection failure of high-voltage power supply PCB ASSY. 3 HVPS control PCB failure. 4 High-voltage power supply PCB failure. 5 Engine PCB failure. 6 Main PCB failure.
42HVPS control PCB transfer error1 Harness connection failure of high-voltage power supply PCB ASSY. 2 Harness connection failure of HVPS control PCB ASSY. 3 HVPS control PCB failure. 4 High-voltage power supply PCB failure. 5 Main PCB failure.
43Main/Engine ASIC transfer error1 Harness connection failure between the main PCB ASSY and engine PCB ASSY. 2 Engine PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure.
44No toner cartridge (K)1 Harness connection failure of toner/new sensor PCB ASSY. 2 Engine PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure. 4 Toner/new sensor PCB failure.
45No toner cartridge (Y)1 Harness connection failure of toner/new sensor PCB ASSY. 2 Engine PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure. 4 Toner/new sensor PCB failure.
46No toner cartridge (M)1 Harness connection failure of toner/new sensor PCB ASSY. 2 Engine PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure. 4 Toner/new sensor PCB failure.
47No toner cartridge (C)1 Harness connection failure of toner/new sensor PCB ASSY. 2 Engine PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure. 4 Toner/new sensor PCB failure.
48Drum life end (K) (The drum counter value reaches the end of life.)
49Drum life end (Y) (The drum counter value reaches the end of life.)
4ADrum life end (M) (The drum counter value reaches the end of life.)
4BDrum life end (C) (The drum counter value reaches the end of life.)
4CDrum life end soon (K) (The drum counter value reaches 90 % of life.)
4DDrum life end soon (Y) (The drum counter value reaches 90 % of life.)
4EDrum life end soon (M) (The drum counter value reaches 90 % of life.)
4FDrum life end soon (C) (The drum counter value reaches 90 % of life.)
52Paper feeding kit life end1 Paper feeding kit worn out.
54Fuser unit life end1 Fuser unit is at the end of life.
56Fuser cover opened1 Paper eject front actuator catching on some position. 2 Eject front sensor PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure.
58Fuser unit error (Some kind of temperature error of the fuser unit occurs.)1 Harness connection failure between fuser unit connector and eject front sensor PCB ASSY. 2 Harness connection failure between eject front sensor PCB ASSY and main PCB ASSY. 3 Fuser unit failure. 4 Low-voltage power supply PCB failure. 5 Eject front sensor PCB failure. 6 Main PCB failure.
59Fuser unit error (Re-detection of fuser unit failure upon startup after the error code 58 occurs.)1 Harness connection failure between fuser unit connector and eject front sensor PCB ASSY. 2 Harness connection failure between eject front sensor PCB ASSY and main PCB ASSY. 3 Fuser unit failure. 4 Low-voltage power supply PCB failure. 5 Eject front sensor PCB failure. 6 Main PCB failure.
5BShort paper1 Harness connection failure of waste toner sensor. 2 Waste toner sensor failure. 3 HVPS control PCB failure. 4 Main PCB failure.
5CSmall paper1 Harness connection failure of waste toner sensor. 2 Waste toner sensor failure. 3 HVPS control PCB failure. 4 Main PCB failure.
5DBelt unit life end soon1 Harness connection failure of waste toner sensor. 2 Waste toner sensor failure. 3 HVPS control PCB failure. 4 Main PCB failure.
5EBelt unit life end1 Harness connection failure of waste toner sensor. 2 Waste toner sensor failure. 3 HVPS control PCB failure. 4 Main PCB failure.
5FWaste toner box near full1 Harness connection failure of waste toner sensor. 2 Waste toner sensor failure. 3 HVPS control PCB failure. 4 Main PCB failure.
74Toner of the color which is being used reaches the end of life while printing.1 Toner/new sensor PCB failure. 2 Engine PCB failure.
75Machine cooling down inside1 Dirt or dust on drum unit electrodes. 2 HVPS control PCB failure. 3 High-voltage power supply PCB failure. 4 Main PCB failure.
76Fuser unit error (The center thermistor detects rapid temperature rising.)1 Harness connection failure between fuser unit connector and eject front sensor PCB ASSY. 2 Harness connection failure between eject front sensor PCB ASSY and main PCB ASSY. 3 Fuser unit failure. 4 Low-voltage power supply PCB failure. 5 Eject front sensor PCB failure. 6 Main PCB failure.
78Fuser unit error (The center thermistor detects rapid temperature falling.)1 Harness connection failure between fuser unit connector and eject front sensor PCB ASSY. 2 Harness connection failure between eject front sensor PCB ASSY and main PCB ASSY. 3 Fuser unit failure. 4 Low-voltage power supply PCB failure. 5 Eject front sensor PCB failure. 6 Main PCB failure.
7DDirt on drum unit1 Dirt or dust on drum unit electrodes. 2 HVPS control PCB failure. 3 High-voltage power supply PCB failure. 4 Main PCB failure.
7FFAX paper setting mismatch (The setting paper becomes besides the A4/ Letter/Legal/Folio)1 Registration front actuator catching on some position. 2 Main PCB failure.
80FAX paper size is incorrect (The paper is smaller 10 mm than the Letter size (11 inch) in Fax List/Report)1 Registration front actuator catching on some position. 2 Main PCB failure.
81Incorrect density sensor measurement value when implementing adjustment of color density from the control panel cover ASSY.1 Density sensor shutter catching on some position. 2 Harness connection failure of registration mark L PCB ASSY. 3 HVPS control PCB failure. 4 Engine PCB failure. 5 Main PCB failure. 6 Registration mark L PCB failure.
82Density patch measurement is not completed normally when implementing adjustment of color density from the control panel cover ASSY.1 Density sensor shutter catching on some position. 2 Harness connection failure of registration mark L PCB ASSY. 3 HVPS control PCB failure. 4 Engine PCB failure. 5 Main PCB failure. 6 Registration mark L PCB failure.
83Drum error (K)
84Paper jam at the back of the machine inside1 Harness connection failure of registration front/rear sensor PCB ASSY and eject front sensor PCB ASSY. 2 Registration rear actuator or paper eject front actuator catching on some position.
87Toner of the color which is being used reaches the end of life when implementing adjustment of color density from the control panel cover ASSY.1 Toner/new sensor PCB failure. 2 Engine PCB failure. 3 Eject front sensor PCB failure (Error code 84) Registration front/rear sensor PCB failure (Error code 88). 4 HVPS control PCB failure. 5 Engine PCB failure. 6 Main PCB failure.
88Paper jam inside the machine1 Harness connection failure of registration front/rear sensor PCB ASSY and eject front sensor PCB ASSY. 2 Registration rear actuator or paper eject front actuator catching on some position.
8APaper jam in paper tray1 Harness connection failure of registration front/rear sensor PCB ASSY. 2 Paper feeding kit worn out. 3 Registration front/rear sensor PCB failure. 4 HVPS control PCB failure. 5 Main PCB failure.
8DEject front sensor sticking at ON upon startup1 Harness connection failure of eject front sensor PCB ASSY. 2 Eject front sensor PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure.
60Toner life end (C)1 HVPS control PCB failure. 2 Engine PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure. 4 Harness connection failure of toner/new sensor PCB ASSY. 5 Toner/new sensor PCB failure.
61Toner life end (M)1 HVPS control PCB failure. 2 Engine PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure. 4 Harness connection failure of toner/new sensor PCB ASSY. 5 Toner/new sensor PCB failure.
62Toner life end (Y)1 HVPS control PCB failure. 2 Engine PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure. 4 Harness connection failure of toner/new sensor PCB ASSY. 5 Toner/new sensor PCB failure.
63Toner life end (K)1 HVPS control PCB failure. 2 Engine PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure. 4 Harness connection failure of toner/new sensor PCB ASSY. 5 Toner/new sensor PCB failure.
64Toner life end soon (C)1 HVPS control PCB failure. 2 Engine PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure. 4 Harness connection failure of toner/new sensor PCB ASSY. 5 Toner/new sensor PCB failure.
65Toner life end soon (M)1 HVPS control PCB failure. 2 Engine PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure. 4 Harness connection failure of toner/new sensor PCB ASSY. 5 Toner/new sensor PCB failure.
66Toner life end soon (Y)1 HVPS control PCB failure. 2 Engine PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure. 4 Harness connection failure of toner/new sensor PCB ASSY. 5 Toner/new sensor PCB failure.
67Toner life end soon (K)1 HVPS control PCB failure. 2 Engine PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure. 4 Harness connection failure of toner/new sensor PCB ASSY. 5 Toner/new sensor PCB failure.
6AFuser unit error (The center thermistor does not detect 60 °C within the specified time.)1 Harness connection failure between fuser unit connector and eject front sensor PCB ASSY. 2 Harness connection failure between eject front sensor PCB ASSY and main PCB ASSY. 3 Fuser unit failure. 4 Low-voltage power supply PCB failure. 5 Eject front sensor PCB failure. 6 Main PCB failure.
6BFuser unit error (The center thermistor does not detect 100 °C within the specified time.)1 Harness connection failure between fuser unit connector and eject front sensor PCB ASSY. 2 Harness connection failure between eject front sensor PCB ASSY and main PCB ASSY. 3 Fuser unit failure. 4 Low-voltage power supply PCB failure. 5 Eject front sensor PCB failure. 6 Main PCB failure.
6CFuser unit error (The center thermistor detects higher temperature than the specified value.)1 Harness connection failure between fuser unit connector and eject front sensor PCB ASSY. 2 Harness connection failure between eject front sensor PCB ASSY and main PCB ASSY. 3 Fuser unit failure. 4 Low-voltage power supply PCB failure. 5 Eject front sensor PCB failure. 6 Main PCB failure.
6DFuser unit error (The center thermistor detects lower temperature than the specified value.)1 Harness connection failure between fuser unit connector and eject front sensor PCB ASSY. 2 Harness connection failure between eject front sensor PCB ASSY and main PCB ASSY. 3 Fuser unit failure. 4 Low-voltage power supply PCB failure. 5 Eject front sensor PCB failure. 6 Main PCB failure.
6FFuser unit error (The center or side thermistors detect extremely high temperature.)1 Harness connection failure between fuser unit connector and eject front sensor PCB ASSY. 2 Harness connection failure between eject front sensor PCB ASSY and main PCB ASSY. 3 Fuser unit failure. 4 Low-voltage power supply PCB failure. 5 Eject front sensor PCB failure. 6 Main PCB failure.
70Fuser/Eject drive motor error1 Harness connection failure of fuser/eject drive motor. 2 Harness connection failure of fuser/eject drive motor sensor PCB ASSY. 3 Fuser/eject drive motor failure. 4 Fuser/eject drive motor sensor PCB ASSY failure. 5 Engine PCB failure. 6 Main PCB failure.
73Recording ASIC read/write error1 Harness connection failure of LED head control PCB ASSY. 2 LED head control PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure.
8EError in the adjustment of color registration result when implementing it from the control panel cover ASSY.1 Harness connection failure of registration mark PCB ASSY. 2 HVPS control PCB failure. 3 High-voltage power supply PCB failure. 4 Main PCB failure. 5 Registration mark PCB failure.
8FDetection of abnormal value of registration sensor sensitivity when implementing adjustment of color registration from the control panel cover ASSY1 Harness connection failure of registration mark PCB ASSY. 2 HVPS control PCB failure. 3 High-voltage power supply PCB failure. 4 Main PCB failure. 5 Registration mark PCB failure.
91Size mismatch1 Lift arm and roller holder ASSY not assembled correctly. 2 Harness connection failure of registration front/rear sensor PCB ASSY. 3 Plate-up function malfunction. 4 Registration front sensor failure. 5 HVPS control PCB failure. 6 Main PCB failure.
94No paper in paper tray1 Lift arm and roller holder ASSY not assembled correctly. 2 Harness connection failure of registration front/rear sensor PCB ASSY. 3 Plate-up function malfunction. 4 Registration front sensor failure. 5 HVPS control PCB failure. 6 Main PCB failure.
96No paper in all trays1 Harness connection failure of manual sensor PCB ASSY. 2 Manual sensor failure. 3 Registration front/rear sensor PCB failure. 4 HVPS control PCB failure. 5 Main PCB failure
97Not supported paper1 Harness connection failure of manual sensor PCB ASSY. 2 Manual sensor failure. 3 Registration front/rear sensor PCB failure. 4 HVPS control PCB failure. 5 Main PCB failure
9ANo paper in manual feed slot1 Harness connection failure of manual sensor PCB ASSY. 2 Manual sensor failure. 3 Registration front/rear sensor PCB failure. 4 HVPS control PCB failure. 5 Main PCB failure
9DDetection of incorrect registration sensor measurement value when implementing adjustment of color registration from the control panel cover ASSY1 Harness connection failure of registration mark PCB ASSY. 2 HVPS control PCB failure. 3 High-voltage power supply PCB failure. 4 Main PCB failure. 5 Registration mark PCB failure.
9EToner of the color which is being used reaches the end of life when implementing adjustment of color registration from the control panel cover ASSY.1 Toner/new sensor PCB failure. 2 Engine PCB failure.
9FNo paper while printing1 Harness connection failure of top cover switch ASSY. 2 The member to press the top cover switch at the right side of the inside of the top cover is broken. 3 HVPS control PCB failure. 4 Main PCB failure.
A1Top cover opened1 Harness connection failure of top cover switch ASSY. 2 The member to press the top cover switch at the right side of the inside of the top cover is broken. 3 HVPS control PCB failure. 4 Main PCB failure.
A2During scanning, 90 cm or longer of a document is detected1 Document rear actuator catching on some position. 2 Harness connection failure of ADF sensor PCB. 3 Document rear sensor failure. 4 Main PCB failure.
A3Document rear sensor is not turned on when feeding the document1 Document rear actuator catching on some position. 2 Harness connection failure of ADF sensor PCB. 3 Document rear sensor failure. 4 Main PCB failure.
A4ADF cover opened1 ADF cover open sensor actuator catching on some position. 2 Harness connection failure of ADF sensor PCB. 3 ADF cover is changed in shape or cracked. 4 ADF sensor PCB failure. 5 Main PCB failure.
A5FAX scanning error (Warning)1 Document scanner unit failure. 2 Main PCB failure.
A6FAX scanning error (Error)1 Document scanner unit failure. 2 Main PCB failure.
A7Scanning color parameter file failure1 Document scanner unit failure. 2 Main PCB failure.
A8Scanning color parameter matching miss1 Document scanner unit failure. 2 Main PCB failure.
ADDMA transfer error1 Document scanner unit failure. 2 Main PCB failure.
AFCIS home position sensor is not turned off.1 Harness connection failure of home position sensor. 2 Document scanner unit failure. 3 Main PCB failure.
B0Document scanner unit FFC detection error1 Incomplete insertion of the harness of the CIS unit. 2 Scanner harness broken. 3 Main PCB failure.
B1Dark level offset data level error for scanning1 Document scanner unit failure. 2 Main PCB failure.
B2Gain control data level error for scanning1 Document scanner unit failure. 2 Main PCB failure.
B7A/D converter standard voltage failure; at High side1 Document scanner unit failure. 2 Main PCB failure.
B8A/D converter standard voltage failure; at Low side1 Document scanner unit failure. 2 Main PCB failure.
B9Scanning light adjustment error is detected1 Document scanner unit failure. 2 Main PCB failure.
BBWhite level data error1 Document scanner unit failure. 2 Main PCB failure.
BDBlack level data error1 Document scanner unit failure. 2 Main PCB failure.
C0Identification failure for a new toner cartridge (K)1 Power off or top cover opened while detecting a new toner cartridge. 2 Toner/new sensor failure. 3 Main PCB failure.
C1Identification failure for a new toner cartridge (Y)1 Power off or top cover opened while detecting a new toner cartridge. 2 Toner/new sensor failure. 3 Main PCB failure.
C2Identification failure for a new toner cartridge (M)1 Power off or top cover opened while detecting a new toner cartridge. 2 Toner/new sensor failure. 3 Main PCB failure.
C3Identification failure for a new toner cartridge (C)1 Power off or top cover opened while detecting a new toner cartridge. 2 Toner/new sensor failure. 3 Main PCB failure.
C6Pressure engagement/disengagement failure of toner cartridge1 Harness connection failure of develop release motor. 2 Harness connection failure of develop release sensor PCB ASSY. 3 Develop release motor failure. 4 Develop release sensor PCB failure. 5 Engine PCB failure. 6 HVPS control PCB failure. 7 Main PCB failure.
C7Insufficient memory1 Main PCB failure.
C8RAM area for secure data full1 Main PCB failure.
C9DIMM error1 Harness connection failure of USB direct interface relay PCB ASSY. 2 USB direct interface relay PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure.
CAExcess current to USB device1 Harness connection failure of USB direct interface relay PCB ASSY. 2 USB direct interface relay PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure.
CBNo belt unit1 Harness connection failure of registration mark L PCB ASSY. 2 Harness connection failure of shutter solenoid of the density sensor. 3 Engine PCB failure. 4 Main PCB failure. 5 Registration mark L PCB failure.
CENo waste toner box1 Harness connection failure of waste toner sensor. 2 HVPS control PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure.
CFWaste toner box full1 Harness connection failure of waste toner sensor. 2 Waste toner sensor failure. 3 HVPS control PCB failure. 4 Main PCB failure.
D1Modem initialization failed1 Main PCB failure.
DEThermistor of fuser unit misconnected1 Connection failure of fuser unit thermistor connector. 2 Fuser unit failure
E0Program error1 Fuser unit failure. 2 Eject front sensor PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure.
E1Program error1 Fuser unit failure. 2 Eject front sensor PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure.
E2Temperature error of heat roller1 Fuser unit failure. 2 Eject front sensor PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure.
E3Drum motor origin sensor failure1 Drum motor origin sensor PCB failure. 2 Engine PCB failure PCB. 3 Main PCB failure.
E6Write error in EEPROM1 Main PCB failure
E9Maintenance monitor error1 Harness connection failure of engine PCB ASSY. 2 Engine PCB failure. 3 Main PCB failure.
ECMain fan error1 Connection failure of main fan connector. 2 Main fan failure. 3 HVPS control PCB failure. 4 High-voltage power supply PCB failure. 5 Engine PCB failure. 6 Main PCB failure.
EFLow-voltage power supply PCB failure1 Low-voltage power supply PCB failure. 2 Main PCB failure.
F2Waste toner box near full1 HVPS control PCB failure. 2 Engine PCB failure.
F4Waste toner box life end1 HVPS control PCB failure. 2 Engine PCB failure.
F8Battery connection error1 Harness connection failure of battery. 2 Battery failure. 3 Main PCB failure.
F9Power turned OFF while the function code 74 is being executed and “PARAMETER INT” is being displayed1 Incorrect operation when setting EEPROM customize code.
FANo drum unit (K)1 Bend of electrode contact of main body. 2 Dirt on electrodes of main body. 3 HVPS control PCB failure. 4 High-voltage power supply PCB failure. 5 Engine PCB failure.
FBNo drum unit (C)1 Bend of electrode contact of main body. 2 Dirt on electrodes of main body. 3 HVPS control PCB failure. 4 High-voltage power supply PCB failure. 5 Engine PCB failure.
FCNo drum unit (M)1 Bend of electrode contact of main body. 2 Dirt on electrodes of main body. 3 HVPS control PCB failure. 4 High-voltage power supply PCB failure. 5 Engine PCB failure.
FDNo drum unit (Y)1 Bend of electrode contact of main body. 2 Dirt on electrodes of main body. 3 HVPS control PCB failure. 4 High-voltage power supply PCB failure. 5 Engine PCB failure.
FEDetection of incorrect measurement value of density sensor sensitivity calibration1 Belt unit failure. 2 Harness connection failure of registration mark L PCB ASSY. 3 Registration mark relay PCB failure. 4 Main PCB failure. 5 Registration mark L PCB failure.
FFOvercurrent error of wireless LAN PCB1 Wireless LAN PCB failure. 2 Main PCB failure.

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